Prepare for Liftoff

Hi, I'm Jeremy - He's Brian. We're trying to podcast.

Stay tuned later this week for a few episodes. Right now I'm working on getting together some artwork & putting the final touches on the editing side of things.

To give you an idea of what to expect: Brian was locked up for a few years for some shady stuff (I mean, it's prison, you don't get there doing NOT-shady stuff). Meanwhile, Jeremy, your lowly narrator, was out in the middle of nowhere Kansas loving life, but missing out on some of the finer things, like modernity.

We are working on getting caught up on a few things now that Brian is out of the hoosegow (he LOVES that phrase, btw) & I've moved to the City.  Kansas City, that is. The show will make some twists & turns, but we'll find the way eventually & provide you with the best content this side of the razor wire fence.

L to R:  Brian - Jeremy

The picture above was taken at my bachelor party before things got a little crazy in both of our lives. We'll fill you in on all of THAT throughout the show.

So keep an eye out for some updates.  They'll be coming fast.
